GFA Federal Credit Union

Financial Reality Fair

How does a Financial Reality Fair work?

This Reality Fair in Connecticut explains the program and the unique experience students get. To learn more about Reality Fairs or the National Credit Union Foundation visit


What is a Financial Reality Fair?

A Financial Reality Fair is an interactive financial literacy program for high school students. This program gives students the opportunity to experience real life financial challenges that they will face as they become adults. Students choose a career and are given a starting salary. They must complete a budget sheet to live within their means, while paying for everyday costs such as housing, utilities, transportation, clothing, food, and even child care.

Local businesses play the part of the vendors providing these services to the students. Vendors also try to tempt students with extra expenditures like concert tickets or cruises.

Students must decide what costs to cut and what is needed to stay on budget. Once they have visited all vender tables and have finished compiling their monthly expenses they will sit with a credit counselor to make sure they were able to balance their budget.

If you would like the opportunity participate by being a vendor or would like to host a Financial Reality Fair, please give us a call at 978-632-2542.

Why participate?

We would like local businesses to volunteer their time for several reasons...

  • Education - Financially educate our youth with real life skills and provide consumer information to the next generation.
  • Community Involvement - Give back to our local community.
  • Awareness - Getting your business involved is free publicity and brand awareness.

Your participation is a small commitment of time to engage future consumers and leaders in a big way! It is important that our youth learn important life skills like saving, budgeting, and the cost of living. Please join us and sign-up to be a part of this wonderful learning experience.

