GFA Federal Credit Union

Auto Loan Rates

Effective Date:


New Auto Loan Rates

Auto Loans: 2019 - New
Term24 Month
Rate 4.99%
APR 4.99%
Payments/$10,000 $439.61
Term36 Month
Rate 5.49%
APR 5.49%
Payments/$10,000 $302.62
Term 48 Month
APR* 5.99%
Payments/$10,000 $235.41
Term 66 Month
APR* 5.99%
Payments/$10,000 $178.68
Term 75 Month
Rate 6.75%
APR* 6.75%
Term 84 Month**
Rate 7.99%
APR* 7.99%
Payments/$10,000 $156.36

*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) example based on a $10,000 loan. $59.00 application fee is waved. Up to 120% financing available. Rates subject to change without notice.
**84 month term for 2019 and newer only, maximum 90% LTV of MSRP.

Membership to GFA Federal Credit Union requires a $10 balance in a savings or checking account. Rates are determined by terms, collateral age, and credit qualifications. Rates advertised reflect a 0.25% discount for automatic payments.

Used Auto Loan Rates

Auto Loans: 2017 - 2018
Term 36 Month
Rate 7.25%
APR 7.64%
Payments/$10,000 $312.62
Term 48 Month
APR* 7.55%
Payments/$10,000 $242.73
Term 66 Month
APR* 8.22%
Payments/$10,000 $189.44

*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) example based on a $10,000 loan with a $59.00 application fee. Up to 120% financing available. Rates subject to change without notice.
Membership to GFA Federal Credit Union requires a $10 balance in a savings or checking account. Rates are determined by terms, collateral age, and credit qualifications. Rates advertised reflect a 0.25% discount for automatic payments. For collateral age 2016 and older, call for additional rates.

Motorcycle Loan Rates

Motorcycle Loans
Term 36 Months
Rate 6.99%
APR* 7.38%
Payments/$10,000 $311.39
Term 60 Months
Rate 7.99%
APR* 8.24%
Payments/$10,000 $204.55
Term 72 Months
Rate 8.49%
APR* 8.70%
Payments/$10,000 $179.38

Membership to GFA Federal Credit Union requires a $10 balance in a savings or checking account.
*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) example based on a $10,000 loan with a $59.00 application fee.
Rates are determined by your personal credit history.
New motorcycles 2019 and newer. 2018 and older: call for additional rates.
100% financing available. Rates subject to change without notice.
Rates advertised reflect a 0.25% discount for automatic payments.

Recreational Vehicle Loan Rates

Recreational Vehicle Loans
Term 36 Months
Rate 5.99%
APR* 5.99%
*Payments/$10,000* $304.95
Term 48 Months
Rate 6.99%
APR* 6.99%
*Payments/$10,000* $240.13
Term 60 Months
Rate 6.99%
APR* 6.99%
Payments/$10,000 $198.57
Term 72 Months
Rate 7.99%
APR* 7.99%
Payments/$10,000 $175.89
Term 84 Months
Rate 7.99%
APR* 7.99%
Payments/$10,000 $156.36
Term 120 Months
Rate 8.99%
APR* 8.99%
Payments/$10,000 $317.82
Term 180 Months
Rate 8.99%
APR* 8.99%
Payments/$10,000 $508.90

Membership to GFA Federal Credit Union requires a $10 balance in a savings or checking account.
*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) example based on a $10,000 loan. $59.00 application fee is waved.
Rates are determined by your personal credit history.
Snowmobiles, ATV’s, Motor Homes, Boats New = 2013 and newer. 2012 and older: call for additional rates.
Up to 120% financing available. Rates subject to change without notice.
Rates advertised reflect a 0.25% discount for automatic payments.

