GFA Awarded 26 Members Through Fusion Savings Account

Each quarter GFA Federal Credit Union selects a member with an active Fusion Savings Account to receive a bonus reward of up to $250, however, in 2020 the Credit Union extended its program to assist the many members financially impacted by the coronavirus. GFA decided to give back to its members in a big way.
The first quarter of 2020, a Hubbardston Member was awarded $250 through the Fusion Savings Program. For the second quarter GFA was able to help 23 members to stretch their recently received Economic Impact Payments or “Stimulus Checks” collectively by over $1,200 through the Program. The third and fourth quarter Fusion Savings recipients were members of the Rutland office and the Gardner, Pearson Boulevard office.
The Fusion Savings program originated in October of 2008, a solution that encourages systematic savings and gives savers the chance to earn bonus rewards quarterly. One Fusion Savings bonus recipient stated “We set up this account as a rainy-day fund, winning the $250 really helps grow our savings for when we will need it.”
The recipients expressed gratitude throughout 2020 over the unexpected funds, especially at a time when it was really needed. Tina M. Sbrega, President and CEO stated, “This program is simple, it gives you a safe place to save, while also having the opportunity to be selected at random to increase your balance with the quarterly Fusion Savings award.”
To learn more about the Fusion Savings Account and how you can be eligible to win the quarterly bonus rewards click here.