Keene, NH Community Photo Contest

Enter to win!
In celebration of our NEW state of the art, Keene, NH branch opening soon, we are holding a contest for you to help us decorate our new location.
Do you have a beautiful photo taken anywhere in Keene, NH? A sunset or a sunrise? Recreational activities? Historical locations? The College? Landmarks? Street signs? Local businesses? Anything! We would LOVE to feature your photo in our NEW Keene, NH location. The winning photo(s) will receive credit on their photo in addition to a $50.00 gift card!
To enter please post your photo in the comments of the Keene Community Photo Contest post on our Facebook page, or email the high resolution file to from now until Wednesday, August 11th. We can’t wait to see!
*Contest period is August 2, 2021 through August 11, 2021. Up to five winning photos will be selected. The winning photos will be determined by August 20, 2021. The winner(s) will be notified on the same day on the GFA Federal Credit Union Facebook page under the Keene Community Photo Contest post, or by email if submitting with this method. The prize may be reported as taxable income and may be issued a 1099-MISC form.