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  • Aug 18, 2021

Tech Talk with Jeff - Proof of Vaccination

You got your COVID vaccine. Here's what not to do with that card.

Whether we like it or not, there is sometimes a need to show someone our vaccination card to prove that we received the COVID vaccine. Carrying the actual card around is not really feasible and it will deteriorate over time rendering it useless eventually. Apps to store the information are coming out, but the simplest way to store and carry your information is to use your smart phone, which we know, gets carried everywhere.

Just take a picture of the card (both sides if needed), but as you take more pictures it will disappear into the massive collection of photos on the phone. A twist on this is to download widget software on your phone and use that as a shortcut to your vaccination record. If you use a digital wallet, you can also store the information there. For both options, a quick search online will give you steps for getting this done.

Thinking of laminating your card to keep it safe, I recommend against this. Once your card is laminated there is no way to add information to it. With the boosters coming out for some there will not be any way for your new shot to be recorded on your old card.

Be aware and be safe!

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