GFA Spreads Hope for the Holiday's

GFA Federal Credit Union joined hands with community organizations for this year's "Hope for the Holidays" providing holiday cheer to over 36 children.
GFA Federal Credit Union joined hands with community organizations for this year's "Hope for the Holidays" providing holiday cheer to over 36 children. GFA employees contribute funds to their "Casual for a Cause" each week, allowing them to dress down on Fridays. The employees then vote quarterly on where the funds should be donated. The 2023 Q4 donations supported the credit unions annual “Hope for the Holiday’s” gift giving drive to benefit families in need. Wrapped gift donations were made to; Hundred Nights Inc., Keene Housing Kids Collaborative, The New Hampshire State Employee’s Association’s Operation Santa, and Care Central VNA Healthy Families. Each of these organizations provides much-needed support to the surrounding communities.
"We are very grateful to have GFA partnering with us," said Karen Culkeen, the coordinator of Care Central VNA Healthy Families. "With the generous support from organizations like GFA Federal Credit Union, we can provide joy around the holidays to many families who may go without."

GFA Federal Credit Union believes in the power of collective good and the positive impact that arises from people helping each other. "People Helping People" is the philosophy that forms the foundation of the credit union's guiding principles. The GFA team is proud to live and breathe this philosophy every day and are especially delighted to support their surrounding communities.
Hundred Nights, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provide shelter and crisis related services to those at risk of or experiencing homelessness. They operate the Open Doors Resource Center year-round, providing a space for people to gather for a source of sustenance and spirit. Hundred Nights goal is to collaborate with and educate the community to see, hear and support those among us who are equally deserving of dignity but who currently lack the means to live independently.
Keene Housing Kids Collaborative is a non-profit organization that serves kids living in housing owned or managed by Keene Housing, as well as kids in select Southwestern Community Services, Swanzey, and Winchester, NH. Their mission is to build a foundation for a successful adulthood by providing access to opportunities that help them gain confidence, have fun, learn, prepare for kindergarten, succeed in elementary school, and leave high school with the skills to become economically independent adults.
New Hampshire State Employees' Association's "Operation Santa Claus" (OSC) is a program that ensures gifts are provided to nearly 3,000 children in need in New Hampshire, no matter their circumstances. New Hampshire state employees from the Department of Human Services (DHHS) work throughout the year to identify children who may benefit from this outreach program.
Care Central VNA Healthy Families is a home-based family support and coaching program that supports first-time parents aged 23 and under to create stable, nurturing environments for their children. They provide weekly home visits while pregnant and until the child is at least six months old, bi-weekly visits until the child is two and a half years old, and monthly visits until the child turns three. The program is free, confidential, and voluntary.